Our Purpose
The goal of the Presidents' Forum is to create a space where CEOs can candidly discuss the most difficult issues and trade-offs around equity and think through these important issues with others facing the same or similar questions.
Our Focus
The Presidents’ Forum focuses specifically on racial and ethnic equity by developing a peer-to-peer support and learning network through facilitated dialogue for CEOs who are dedicated to shifting the tide of philanthropy toward a diversified, equitable, and inclusive giving community.
Our Partners
The Presidents' Forum is implemented in partnership with the Institute of Strategic and Equitable Development by KHA and its co-convener, Ali Webb Strategies.
Contribute to Our Work
Please consider supporting the Institute for Strategic and Equitable Development. Your financial donation supports the Presidents' Forum on Racial Equity in Philanthropy.
If you represent a private sector organization and are interested in sponsorship opportunities, please contact Sara Padilla. Otherwise, please use the "Donate" button below.
What is the purpose of the Presidents’ Forum race affinity sessions?
To continue both building and deepening a racial equity learning community among foundation leaders, with the ultimate goal of a longer-term transformation across philanthropy in the United States.
Participants from the December 2018 gathering of the Presidents’ Forum on Racial Equity in Philanthropy, with guest speaker Valerie Jarrett, former senior adviser to President Barack Obama. Click here to read the meeting report from the event.